
How long can green Yangchun tea leaves and how to store it


How long can green Yangchun tea leaves and how to store […]

How long can green Yangchun tea leaves and how to store it?
Green Yangchun tea has a shelf life, because it is green tea, the shelf life is relatively short, and it is not suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, drinking green Yangchun tea should be finished during the shelf life so that it can taste its pure taste. So, how long can Green Yangchun tea be put? Let's take a look at it together.
Green Yangchun tea is a kind of green tea. It has a short shelf life at room temperature, usually 3-6 months. When the time is long, there will be a phenomenon of "discoloration" and "running". The tea that is brewed is red or yellow, and the tea has deteriorated and cannot be drunk.
How long can green Yangchun tea be put?
However, the general tea is stored in a sealed environment. Under such circumstances, the shelf life of green tea can reach 18 months. Under the sealed condition, the various components of the tea leaves remain stable, and the color and flavor remain unchanged. If you save well, then there is no problem in drinking tea every other year. Green Yangchun tea is generally stored in a low-temperature sealed freezer and stored separately from other foods.

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