
What are green tea and what are the main types of green tea


In order to make matcha, the leaves used from the harve […]

In order to make matcha, the leaves used from the harvested tea tree must grow in the shade for at least two weeks. The shadow of the leaves produces a large amount of amino acids and chlorophyll, which are important compounds in matcha. Unlike other green teas, matcha uses the entire leaf of the plant, picks it, dries it and grinds it into a fine powder, and its antioxidant strength is said to be 137 times that of a normal cup of green tea.
In Japan, matcha is the main content of society. In the 17th century, matcha rituals were developed for spiritual purposes and purify the body and mind. Still practicing today: To start the matcha ceremony, everything must be cleaned, including the ritual utensils and the room itself called "Machiai". At the beginning of the procedure, guests receive a single bow from the host and are then asked to advance. The ground is usually covered with dew as part of the cleaning ritual, symbolizing the removal of dust from the world. The host and guest must then wash their hands and face on the basis of stones to achieve the purpose of purification. Take extra care when cleaning your mouth. To ensure that all utensils are clean and ready to use, the host ends up adding one to three spoons of matcha green tea powder per guest to a set of bowls. Add heat to the bowl without boiling. The host then mashed the matcha powder with matcha bamboo mash, until the bright green liquor was almost (but not very) ready to drink. When the powder reaches the correct consistency, add additional hot water and stir the infusion again to produce a thick matcha. Then, only then, both the host and guests can enjoy their drinks. Matcha is famous for its astringent taste and its complex image.
Gunpowder green tea
Gunpowder tea can be made with green tea, black tea, white tea, or oolong tea. However, gunpowder made from green tea leaves is by far the most popular gunpowder. Like any, the oxidation period of gunpowder stopped shortly after it arrived at the factory, but unlike regular green tea, it was rolled into small round particles. The name of the gunpowder tea is said to be derived from the shape of the tea leaf, which is said to resemble a shot put in a musket. But this is just a theory. Again, no one knows for sure. Another theory is that the name comes from "freshly brewed" in Mandarin. In the correct dialect, the phrase "freshly brewed" sounds like the English word "powder powder". There is another theory, one that states that it is named after the sound it produces. For some people, when hot water is poured on it, gunpowder tea will make a "cracking noise", which is also the sound of cracks made by rifles. Historians believe that gunpowder tea was "invented" at the same time as ordinary green tea and originated in Zhejiang Province of China. Today it is also produced in Guangdong, Anhui, Hunan and Fujian provinces. There is also Taiwan Gunpowder Green Tea and the more famous Formosa Powder. Until 1900, Chinese gunpowder tea accounted for 60% of total US tea imports. Well, there are likely to be many of those 342 boxes dumped in Boston Harbor in 1773. The taste is bold and occasionally smoky. Like ordinary green tea, it consists of a unique grassy taste and a rich and refreshing aftertaste.
Mint green tea
Mint green tea is an example of flavored green tea. It is one of our most popular products, but it is also one of hundreds (or even thousands) of today. This wholesome brewing process is made with natural mint extract and is known for its exceptional aroma when brewed (like mint herbal tea!). But then there were mango, banana, gingerbread, cucumber and melon. There are red ginseng, cinnamon and plums, and even papaya guava and mango. In the end, there is a flavor of green tea for every personal taste. And that's not all. Many flavored green teas have increased health benefits due to their ingredients. For example, mint in mint tea is rich in vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C and E, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, calcium, copper, inositol, iodine, iron, Magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulfur and zinc.
Combined, these compounds can be used with green tea to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, prevent bad breath, and help you lose weight.
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