
Avoid these minefields in tea storage


Friends who love tea, there must be a lot of tea in the […]

Friends who love tea, there must be a lot of tea in the house. But why do some tea leaves become unpalatable after being stored for a period of time?

In fact, whether tea is good or not has a lot to do with the way you preserve it.

To avoid these minefields in tea storage, tea friends must watch!

So, how to store tea correctly?

1. Avoid the light

In addition to the sunlight, there are more powerful lights at home.

Sunlight damages tea leaves even more. The light will damage the tea, and affect the color, aroma and taste of tea, especially the color of tea. The chlorophyll contained in tea is especially easy to be destroyed by light, and the tea in exposure will be very fast. Become a yellowish color.

To avoid these minefields in tea storage, tea friends must watch!

2. Stay away from peculiar smell

Tea is very dependent, and it will be absorbed quickly after contact with peculiar smells. You don't want the tea that you usually reluctant to drink has a vegetable taste. The packaging used to store tea should be moisture-proof and odor-free to reduce excessive contact between tea and air.

Three, tightness

Laobai tea and dark tea, which require later transformation, do not need to be sealed.

Green tea, yellow tea, black tea, and oolong tea require a good sealed environment. If it can be stored in a vacuum, the tea can be stored for two to three years.

To avoid these minefields in tea storage, tea friends must watch!

Four, shade

A cool environment is most suitable for tea. In addition to being dull, the focus is on "coolness". The high temperature environment will accelerate the oxidation reaction of tea, the tea is more likely to become stale and deteriorate, and there will be a kind of fat and spoiled taste.

Five, keep dry

Tea is also very hygroscopic, so tea friends often put quicklime or desiccant in the sealed tea bag or storage environment. If the environment for storing tea is too humid, the tea will turn green and deteriorate.

To avoid these minefields in tea storage, tea friends must watch!

Pay attention to the above five points of tea storage, which can greatly extend the storage time of tea. But with so many precautions, it is sometimes unavoidable to forget, is there an easier way?

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